Happy New Year from Missy Ward
Wow, I can’t believe 2008 has passed this quickly and how much has changed in the world.
While everyone is getting their final shopping in, prettying up their homes for company or headed to the airport to visit family, I’m getting ready to enjoy a family vacation on Royal Caribbean.
My oldest son has asked that I limit my “online time” to 1-hour per day during our vacation. I have assured him that I can do that for him, as long as he limits his “PSP time” to the same.
On that note, this will be my last “live” blog post of the year (although other previously planned posts will pop up) ;-). I figured there’s no better time to thank all of the people who have helped me throughout 2008. While there are too many to list individually, you all know who you are – and I appreciate you more than you know.
This has been an unbelievable year for me, both professionally and personally. Even though we are in uncharted waters, I look forward to 2009 with great anticipation.
While the economic situation is obscure, I feel that now is not the time for me to veer off course. It is my hope that through consistency and innovation, I will be ready to fly when the economic cylinders start kicking in. My holiday wish is that my friends, family and business associates also recognize the opportunities at hand, even in this downward market.
My resolution this year is to not set any New Year’s Resolutions this year. 😉 Rather, I have put a plan in place that will continue to transform my personal and business life for the better. Gone are the drastic changes and here to stay are bite-sized goals that I can live with – most of which wrap around enjoying my kids, making money and having fun.
I wish you all a joyous holiday season and may 2009 be the very best year of your life.