Izea Advisory Board Meeting, December 2008
Entrepreneurs and anyone who has worked for a startup, can sense it happening.
It is that moment in time where you become aware that a catalyst has been unleashed. Your company, that you’ve put your heart and soul in, is about to transform.
And, you know exactly what’s in store for you.
I know this phenomenon very well as I’ve had the good fortune of working for a few startups that have undergone this curiosity. I’ve also witnessed it in my own company.
In many cases, it was a singular event that sparked the metamorphosis – a tipping point, if you will.
To be a part of the aftermath is extraordinary.
This is how I felt during the Izea Advisory Board meeting this past weekend.
Ted Murphy, CEO of Izea has assembled a powerhouse of a board, including Michael Brito, Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, Jim Kukral, Neil Patel, Wendy Piersall and Jeremy Schoemaker.
One could almost feel the energy in the Izea Conference Room from the collective brainpower behind the barrage of ideas being hurled at Ted. I am humbled to be part of such a great team and hope that my contribution vis-à-vis affiliate marketing proves beneficial.
Getting a thorough understanding of where Ted wants to take SocialSpark.com was exciting. It is evident that they are at the threshold of being unstoppable when it comes to monetizing social media.
Their recent Kmart campaign is proof-positive that SocialSpark’s online marketplace can clearly connect advertisers with bloggers and create buzz. I'm looking forward to the other great brands that are being brought on board.
If you haven’t checked out SocialSpark.com, now is the time to take notice as they are undoubtedly onto something extraordinary.
Here are some pictures of the Izea Advisory Board Meeting and Dinner which was at Taverna Opa – the place to go to in Orlando for Greek food and fun.
And really… what is Ted Murphy, if not fun?