Meet Me at SheCon – I Has Gud Stuff…
I'm driving down to SheCon tomorrow with Prize Giveaways in hand, Golden Tickets for lots of chances to win Gold Passes to Affiliate Summit East 2011 in my luggage, and my 10-year old son, Alex in tow.
I will be providing the following keynote presentation this Sunday, May 22nd at 9:00am:
Session Title: Successful Strategies for Monetizing Blogs Using Affiliate Marketing
Session Description: If you consider making money from your blog unethical or evil; this session is not for you.
But, if you’re part the growing movement of blogger-entrepreneurs, or simply want to find a way to subsidize your hobby; long-time affiliate marketer, Missy Ward will provide you with proven tactics to monetize your blog using affiliate marketing — without compromising your integrity, or crippling your traffic.
I'm excited to give this presentation and delighted to have my son with me as he's always wondering what it is that I do at conferences. 🙂 He'll also be my “helper” during the session, tasked with the very imporant job of picking out some lucky winners.
For those of you that want to get a jump on what I'll be covering, here is the presentation for you to review:
If you'd like to view Successful Strategies for Monetizing Blogs Using Affiliate Marketing in full screen, please click here to view on
If you'd like to meet up during the conference, please send me a tweet to @missyward
Looking forward to seeing you!