Tell Me What’s On Your Holiday Wish List and…
And the winner is… @laurie_pooh!
My son Chase picked your name out of his Santa hat a few minutes ago!
Missy Claus is buying you your Rock Band 2 Bundle (XBOX 360). Send your address to me at missyward/at/gmail/dot/com
Every year, my family hits me with that age-old question… “What's on your Holiday Wish List this year?”You see, here's the thing. Everything that I want (that doesn't cost a small-fortune), I buy for myself over the course of the year.
I lack patience. It's a flaw, I know. But, I've come to the realization that I'm not going to change, because I actually like this little imperfection that makes me, well.. me.
So, in keeping with our family tradition, I never send them a list and therefore the only things I get for the holidays are Gift Cards. Lots and lots of Gift Cards.
Right now I have a $250 Circuit City one sitting in front of me, that has gone unused from last Christmas, and I feel like playing Santa with it.
So here's the deal…
Go to and pick out something that you want for the holidays (max $250.00 with shipping). Come back here and make a comment on this post which includes the URL to the item you want and answer ONE of the following three questions:
What are you going to do with it? Who are you going to give it to? Why I should buy it for you. On December 19th, my 2-year old son Chase, will randomly select a winner based on the comments received. That winner will get what they wished for and I will announce it here on my blog.
Good luck and happy shopping!
(Before you ask… No, I am not going to send you the gift card — I want to buy you a gift instead!)
Contest ends at 1:00pm EST on Friday, December 19th.