2012 Affiliate Marketers Give Back Walk to #SaveTheBoobies is…
Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back Gears Up for its 6th Annual Walk in New York City. Walkers and Non-Walkers Welcome!
In 2007, I founded AffiliateMarketersGiveBack.com (“AMGB”) with two goals in mind — to raise money to support Breast Cancer research, treatment, awareness and community programs through combined efforts within the Affiliate Marketing Industry and also provide an outlet for people to help themselves by uplifting others in ways that another piña colada-filled vacation or more “stuff” couldn’t possibly begin to do.
Since then we have raised over $325,000.00 to help #SaveTheBoobies.
Taking a bite out of the Big Apple!
In October 20-21, 2012, Team Affiliate Marketers Give Back will take on a 39.3 mile walking tour around the City that Never Sleeps for the 10th Anniversary of the Avon Walk For Breast Cancer.
It's the perfect time of year to take in the best that New York has to offer as we'll be walking through some of the most well-known neighborhoods including Chelsea, Greenwich Village, SOHO, Chinatown, Lower East Side and the Upper East Side.
We are IN IT for a Purpose
Our team will walk a total of 1-1/2 Marathons (26.2 miles on Saturday, and 13.1 miles on Sunday) so that women and men can get the medical care they need regardless of their ability to pay,and leading research teams can receive vital support in their ongoing search for a cure.
Walkers and Non-Walkers Can Participate
This time around the great folks at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer will be providing a Cheering Station for our team to manage on the Sunday of our walk. We will be assigned a set locale for our team to cheer on and motivate the walkers as they pass our station. [For those of us that have participated in these walks, we know how much we appreciate the applause, high-fives and motivational words as we struggle through those miles!]
So whether you want to walk all 39.3 miles with the Team, walk part of it or simply participate in the cheering station on Sunday, October 21st, we welcome love for you to join our team.
It's important to note that each participant is required to raise $1,800 in order to take part in the Avon Walk. But, Affiliate Summit is going to help you out there.
When you join the Affiliate Marketers Give Back Team, Affiliate Summit will match your fundraising up to $500, in order to get you started. Of course, if you can raise more than the $1,800 everyone benefits.
In addition, any team member that raises $2,300 or more, will receive a Platinum Pass to Affiliate Summit West 2013 [a $1,249 value; location and dates to be announced]!
Please support us in our fight against breast cancer by joining our team, making a donation in any amount or sponsoring us in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.
>> Click Here to Join our Team
>> Click Here to Sponor our Team
>> Click Here to Make a Donation to our Team
If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Missy Ward.