Work at Home Mom Advice and Home Based…
I am excited and proud to announce the launch of itsaWAHMthing, a new, open-access website dedicated to providing trustworthy, work at home mom advice and home based business tips; straight from the mouths of an amazing group of work at home moms, that have already found a way to achieve the success they were looking for.
It's A WAHM (work at home mom) Thing was co-founded myself and Rae Hoffman-Dolan during a tropical storm while on vacation in South Beach. [Yes, this IS what two work at home moms that are die-hard marketers do on vacation.] Our goal is to be able to help other moms find success — be it earning enough to take a great vacation every summer or running a powerhouse company that takes no prisoners.
We're celebrating the launch of with our Holiday Sweepstakes, in which one lucky person will have the chance to win a $200 Visa Gift Card.
And, with the holiday season right around the corner who WOULDN’T want an extra 200 bucks in cash to spend on their family and friends (or maybe themselves)?!
So swing on over to, enter the sweeps and pick up some tips and inspiration that might help you find more success with your business.
Hope to see you there!