I Busted My Butt at Affiliate Summit
Literally.Thanks to those of you who have aimed and emailed me to check in on my butt. Yes, it’s a fractured coccyx and yes, it still hurts. Apparently it will be hurting for several weeks to come.
If you were in Las Vegas, but not at the Advertising.com’s Buy.at Network party at the Ghost Bar in the Palms, last Sunday night, you may have felt a slight tremor around 1:00am.
No, it was not the after-effects of the Nevada earthquake that hit earlier in February, it was me taking the worst digger of my life – in front of 400+ people.
Roughly somewhere around midnight-ish, I was dancing with a blogger/affiliate marketer that shall remain nameless (the only clue is that if his last name was an animal, it would likely sound like a cute and fuzzy marsupial). I was so excited to dance, since I seldom get asked, that I may have gone slightly overboard.
To this day, I’m not sure why I don’t get asked to dance… I Q/C my breath, I don’t dance like Carlton any longer and I check my overbite at the door. But I digress…
To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what happened. I’d like to blame it on a wet floor or the fact that someone might have tripped me accidentally. But as I go through it over in my mind time and time again, none of those conditions existed.
Maybe it was the 4 glasses of wine?
In any event, I guess my dance partner will forever be fondly known to me as my “Pain in the Ass” at ASW08.
If anyone was there that saw what happened, can you please give me a play-by-play recount?