TheSpew, Episode 15: Are Women Built to Lead Us…
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Missy Ward (@missyward) of Affiliate Summit moderated this week with panelists:
- Lisa Picarille (@lisap), a consultant focusing on online marketing, social media and content creation
- Lisa Riolo (@LisaRiolo), Internet Marketing Consultant
- Women in Power. Is it possible to command power without reference to her gender?
- Web Thinking vs. Step Thinking. Will it be the female species that ultimately solves our healthcare crisis, saves our planet and stops poverty?
- Advertisers Still Don't Get It. How to market to the 40+ female crowd.
The topics that were spewed today were:
Additionally, there is a reference to Aunt Bee, a fictional character from the 1960's sitcom, the Andy Griffith Show. After further investigation, it turns out she was as old as she looked. However, Lucille Ball was only 40 years old when I Love Lucy first aired and she sure looked a lot older than that. Just sayin'.
Podcast Warning:
There is a whole lot of 40+ estrogen flowing throughout this podcast. This is not for the faint-hearted, nor those who prefer to hide from the truth 😉
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